Tuesday, February 17, 2009

1969 Time Machine

From the incredible Blues Blogger:

Whenever I drift through time, I often find myself coming back to 1969… Thinking of Mark Farner and Grand Funk Railroad always reminds me of my brother’s oldest friend The Big F. He was also his roadie/bodyguard and loved to play the drums. One night he came over to our house to show off his Grand Funk Railroad LP called On Time…

All the gear was in the basement. So he raced down the stairs to the stereo system, placed the LP on the turntable and carefully aligned his chosen groove… The Big F then briskly took a seat behind the drum kit and started playing along to the tune Time Machine…

My brother then walked over and strapped on his axe; joining along in the bluesy impromptu jam. It's cool moments like these that I frequently recall. And I remember Farner and the boys being part of that extraordinary moment in time 40 years ago… Of course that was only the beginning of Mark Farner’s incredible story…


Here's a video when the Motor City Mad Man strapped on his axe to play along with MARK

1 comment:

  1. Very nice post from The Blues Blogger. Thanks so much for sharing.

